Scene Stealers
One last note—the deadline for entries is 8:00 EST tonight. After this time, no more entries will be accepted.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | September 30, 2002 | Jess Horsley
Scene Stealers Contest - Deadline extended!
Due to the fact that I’m not in town to coordinate the ending of the contest and start the voting process this weekend, I’m going to extend the Scene Stealers contest deadline to Monday, Sept. 30.
So get your entries in! Voting will begin mid-next week!
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | September 28, 2002 | Jess Horsley
Academy Models, Minor Updates
I’ve added a section for the Academy Dragonball Models. These models, which came and went in a flurry of price-drops and undercutting a few months ago, are figural models from the original Dragonball series, made for Korean markets.
Remember, a set of Academy Models is part of the prize package for our Scene Stealers Contest, which ends TOMORROW!
Also, I’ve added more images of the Burger King Metallic Figures, Irwin/Beckett Exclusive Cell, Irwin Bulma, SBC Vol 22 Vegetto, and SBC Vol 39 Great Monkey Baby. Got bored last night, figured I’d plug in some holes. Enjoy.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | September 26, 2002 | Jess Horsley
Kidz Biz Section Added
I’ve added a section for Kidz Biz, the company currently releasing Dragonball toys in the United Kingdom.
At this point, Kids Biz has only re-issued older AB toys. Whether they plan on going the Irwin route, and manufacturing their own toys, is unknown at this point (but I’m trying to find out).
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | September 25, 2002 | Jess Horsley
New IF Labs Website
IF Labs has just published their new website. It’s been given a whole new “interactive-machine” look, and has images of series 2 of Dragonball and Dragonball Z. Also, it’s set up with 360° images of each figure, which you’ll need Quicktime to view.
Take a minute to check it out!
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | September 25, 2002 | Jess Horsley
Toynami DBZ I-Men Assortments
Toynami has announced the official lineup for their DBZ I-Men series. The packaging assortments are as follows:
-Goku and SS Gohan
-Vegeta and SS Trunks (Tank Top)
-Gohan and SS Goku
-Trunks and SS Vegeta
-Piccolo and SS Trunks (Armor)
Once again, these figures will be released late Q3/early Q4, for $8.99-9.99 per two-pack. Keep checking back for new information as it becomes available!
Also, we’ve added a Toynami section to catalog the new I-Men figures. Enjoy.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | September 23, 2002 | Jess Horsley
IF Labs Dragonball Series 1 - Full Images Up
IF Labs Dragonball Series 1 has finally gotten the full image treatment. Click on the link above for new images of Pilaf&Shu, Master Roshi, and Goku&Boss Rabbit!
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | September 22, 2002 | Jess Horsley
Only One More Week for Contest Entries!
All entries for the Scene Stealers contest are due in one week, on Sept. 29th. That means you have one week to send in your entry, if you have not already.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | September 20, 2002 | Jess Horsley
IF Labs Pre-Toyfair Images!
IF Labs had an incredible display this year at the Pre-Toyfair show in New York! Both Dragonball and Dragonball Z Series 3 figures were on display, and we have images of all of them for you!
Click here for our IF Labs Pre-Toyfair Photo Gallery!
For those of you who are curious, the Pre-Toyfair show is, just as it sounds, a mini version of the February trade show, in which manufacturers get a chance to display some of their upcoming products early, to find possible buyers and to guage reactions before the big toy show. was at the Pre-Toyfair, and they have all the coverage you could ask for. Click here to check out the Pre-Toyfair Galleries!
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | September 19, 2002 | Jess Horsley
Irwin Website - Significant Updates
Irwin has finally updated the content on the Dragonball Z section of their website, listing many of the new and coming lines under the Dragonball Z section.
Check it out here.
Big news items are as follows:
-Series 11 is set for an October release.
-They’ve posted images of the new small vehicles.
-They’ve posted a lineup for Energy Glow Figures, Series 2: SS3 Goku, SS3 Gotenks, SS Vegeta with Halo.
I’ve updated the content in our Irwin section with the new images and lineups.
Thanks to Majin Vegeta on the DBT Message Boards for the heads up on this one.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | September 18, 2002 | Jess Horsley
Small Vehicles at Wal-Mart
The second wave of small vehicles can be found at Wal-Mart!
This wave includes:
Air Bike # 67 w/ Golden Haired Series 8 Super Saiyan Gohan
One Wheeled Bike w/ Golden Haired Series 7 SS Gohan
Thanks to everyone who has sent in sightings of these toys, of whom “Strwar4me” was the first.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | September 16, 2002 | Jess Horsley
The First of the Facelifts
The Bandai section has received a PHP facelift. This standardizes all of the pages and should make everything a little easier to navigate.
Over the course of this week, I’ll be fixing up the remaining toy sections in this manner; again, if you’re on some of the old pages (pages with a .shtml extension) and the images aren’t there, or you’re getting 404 errors, never fear. The new pages are on their way. This only applies to the toy sections for now.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | September 14, 2002 | Jess Horsley
Pardon Our Dust...
I’m currently undertaking an upgrade of our toy sections. If you go to a page, and all of the images are broken, do not fear—the upgraded versions will be available shortly.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | September 13, 2002 | Jess Horsley
We Remember
No one could ever forget what happened last year this day. This was no doubt an evil act that will never be undone nor forgiven. Our hearts (and prayers) go out to all and everyone who has been effected on that day in any way.
If you want to discuss it or give your view on it, just register quickly and go here to this thread about September 11.
Click here to discuss this awful tragedy
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | September 11, 2002 |
Irwin Series 9&Secret Saiyan Warriors...

Coming soon…