REVIEW: Bandai's Flash Changers Goku & Super Saiyan Goku 2-Pack
For a great selection of Dragonball action figures and collectibles, check out fine sponsors,,,,,, and
Bandai is undoubtably the largest manufacturer of Dragonball toys and action figures in the world, and Japan has enjoyed literally thousands of incredible figures based on the Dragonball franchise for many years. 2008 has been a special year for the American Dragonball fan however, as Bandai’s new Ultimate Collection, Flash Changer and Power Booster lines, (among several others) are the very first Bandai Dragonball creations native to America, and not re-releases of older Japanese toys.

By far the new Flash Changers series is the most interesting, as they continue a grand tradition for Bandai of high quality mini-figures - though this time with a new and special twist!

So far there are only two sets of figures in the Flash Changers series that you can get: Vegeta and Super Saiyan Vegeta, and, up for review today, Goku and Super Saiyan Goku.
With the Flash Changer series, you are given two mini-figures mounted on individual bases, a hollow shaft sculpted to look like a huge burst of energy, and two soft plastic attachments that go on the outside of the shaft for added dramatic effect. The mini-figures each can click onto a sliding harness inside of the shaft. This harness can either securely be locked to the top of the shaft, or you can slide it all the way down, thus hiding the figure from view, and making it possible to enacted the toys main gimmick! By positioning the figure inside the shaft and then slamming the whole toy on top of the second mini figure, the figure inside dramatically shoots to the top, and gives you the illusion that the character has just transformed into a Super Saiyan!

PACKAGING: The packaging for this two pack stands out nicely. Featured in the background is a great picture of Super Saiyan Goku about to teleport away, which was a very nice touch. I’m continually impressed with the packaging of Bandai Japan figures, and while this is a little toned down in comparison to those releases, it’s still very effective and quite nice.

The greatest thing about this packaging is the way that it allows you to actually try out the sliding action inside of the energy shaft! With a little plastic insert (which can be removed for good once the toy package is opened), you can make the Super Saiyan Goku figure already attached inside the shaft more up and down! While this doesn’t really explain the ‘Flash Changing Action’ aspect completely, it was a great little touch they added to show what fun you can have with these. The back of the package also has great images showing how the toy works, as well as images of the Vegeta/Super Saiyan Vegeta in the series, as well as pictures of the new Ultimate Collection Series.

SCULPTING: The sculpting on these minis is really good, and they fit in quite well with both older Bandai and AB Dragonball mini-figures. Both the Goku and Super Saiyan Goku have nice rips and folds in their clothing all over the place, Super Saiyan Goku in particular. The little bases that they stand on are also well done, and have a great craggy texture to the touch.

The hair on the Super Saiyan Goku is particularly interesting, in that it looks very much like a Super Saiyan 2 Goku, because of all of his extra bangs. My only complaint is with the regular Goku - his back is oddly smooth and unrefined, throwing him off a bit. It would have also been nice if they had painted either the Kame, Go, or Kia symbols somewhere on his gi, but I suppose thats a fairly minor gripe, and one that doesn’t really hold the figure back from being a nice addition to my mini figure collection.

The energy and rock base is also very well sculpted, and extremely well put together and sturdy. Because of all the clicking-into-place that is involved with this toy, something less well made just wouldn’t make it through the first 10 minutes of play. But the functionality of the sculpting here is so well done, I’ve never once worried about breaking mine.

Also included with this set are the two soft plastic pieces that attach to the front of the shaft. They are a little flimsy and don’t always really hold the shape you need them to, but I haven’t had any trouble with them either falling off, or getting in the way, so it’s not really a big problem. Over all I’m glad that these where included, as they add another layer of tactile and visual texture to the toy, that really make the whole thing a great display piece.

Over all the sculptural presentation of this toy is super nice. There was great attention payed to the fact that this both a toy and a sculptural piece, at the same tiime. The inclusion of the softer plastic add on’s was a fantastic touch, and the mini figures are great looking!
PAINT: The paint applications on all the pieces are very well done, and the errors and slip ups I found were little to none. Even the little yellow ropes on Goku’s boots have been painted on admirably well - a detail flubbed countless times on other figures.

The colors are bright and very pleasing, and immediately draw you it. Super Saiyan Goku’s hair almost has a gliteryness about it which is subtle but noticeable - very cool touch. The painting on the base has a nice pearlessence to it, which is also subtle, but more odious when the mini-figures are attached at the top. The softer rubber add ons have some nice gray scale strokes in their paint scheme which really adds something to the piece - almost making this toy look like some of the great Megahouse Gashapon figures that have been released in the past. And that’s why I think this figure really works - It’s essentially a piece of semi-functional Gashapon. Instead of just looking pretty, it actually dose something as well! As I mentioned before it was slightly disappointing that they didn’t paint any of Goku’s symbols onto his gi, but I don’t think it hurts this figure either.

ARTICULATION: There really is no articulation in the mini-figures, unless the up and down sliding action in the shaft counts. It should be noted that this really does work well. Also the minis are able to snap on beautifully, and never once did I feel like I was forcing it, or worried that any kind of breaking would occur. The gimmick for this toy is not complicated, but the fact that it works so well and is so well made makes having fun with it really enjoyable.

ACCESSORIES: This is a tough one with this toy, because what would you consider the accessory, the minis or the base? I’ll go with saying that it’s the base, since Dragonball mini-figures are such a huge mainstay for Bandai. I do applaud Bandai for giving us something different and interesting, in conjunction with what is essentially just another release of mini-figures, as well as for finding a fun way of playing into the concept of the Super Saiyan transformation! All that is possible, because inclusion of the shaft.

COST AND OVERALL IMPRESSION: Both of the Flash Changer sets retail for about $10 at most places, and I think that’s a pretty great deal for what your getting! Your getting two really well done mini-figures that actually have some kind of functionality to them, as well as a great looking base with a lot of detail. As a big collector of Dragonball mini-figures, I can honestly say I like this set and plan on getting the Vegeta set to go along with it. Its a unique way to play with Dragonball mini-figures, and is a beautiful display item at the same time!
A second series in the Flash Changers line will include sets of Super Saiyan Gohan/ Super Saiyan 2 Gohan, and Super Saiyan Goku/ Super Saiyan 3 Goku, as well as several others! Series two is scheduled to ship in February 2009. I’m personally very pleased with these figures, and look forward to this next assortment. If you’re someone who loves mini-figures and Gashapon but are looking for something a little different, then these will be very much up your alley!
For even more images of Bandai’s Flash Changers Goku & Super Saiyan Goku 2-Pack , CLICK HERE!
To watch Flash Changers Goku & Super Saiyan Goku in action, check out the video below!
Review, Photos, and Video by Amanda Sukenick
Review Sample Courtesy of Bandai
Bookmark this entry | January 28, 2009 | Jeff Saylor
Lots of stuff from Funimation February 10th!
For a great selection of Dragon Ball action figures and collectibles, check out fine sponsors,,,,,, and

Though news of these sets has been around for quite a while now, I thought it would be a good idea to mention them now since we are getting close to February 10th! I haven’t been buying the season sets for either Z or GT myself, but I adore the new movie 2 pack steel cases, and have been picking every one of them up! If your still missing these movie is you collection, and are also looking for a way to pick up some episodes of either Z of GT cheap, these sets may be a great option for you!
Bookmark this entry | January 27, 2009 | Amanda Sukenick
Drgaonball Capsule Goods series 3!
For a great selection of Dragon Ball action figures and collectibles, check out fine sponsors,,,,,, and

Check out this new set in the Capsule Goods series - what exactly are those little armor keychain toys?! It looks like that stick at the bottom can make their heads pop up - kind of nice that they chose such an odd assortment of characters, for sure an odd assortment of toys! Also included is a nice looking Korin, an Awesome Shenlong under glass and some neat scouter toys. Not sure if I’ll pick any of this up personally, but everyone of them seems like an interesting item for sure!
Bookmark this entry | January 27, 2009 | Amanda Sukenick
New Dragonball With Dragon Charms from Plex!
For a great selection of Dragon Ball action figures and collectibles, check out fine sponsors,,,,,, and

Just spotted these today! Plex is releasing a series of 7 Dragonball’s with 7 different little sculptures of Shenlong wrapped around them. Not sure what material the dragons are made out of - almost looks like metal, which would be nice. I’m not totally sure if these are meant to be keychains or something else entirely, but they certainly look great in any case!
Bookmark this entry | January 27, 2009 | Amanda Sukenick
REVIEW: Bandai's Power Booster Super Saiyan Goku
For a great selection of Dragon Ball action figures and collectibles, check out fine sponsors,,,,,, and
Bandai is undoubtably the largest manufacturer of Dragonball toys and action figures in the world, and Japan has enjoyed literally thousands of incredible figures based on the Dragonball franchise for many years. 2008 has been a special year for the American Dragonball fan however, as Bandai’s new Ultimate Collection, Flash Changer and Power Booster lines, (among several others) are the very first Bandai Dragonball creations native to America, and not re-releases of older Japanese toys.

The Power Booster figures are the largest figures of these new releases, measuring in at 7 inches a piece. The series consists of two figures so far - Super Saiyan Vegeta and up for review today, Super Saiyan Goku.

The 7” Goku figure comes with 3 yellow, transparent Energy Shields that click into holes in the figure, and can shoot off when Goku’s legs are squeezed together. There is one Energy Shield for each arm, and a third for his chest.

Goku’s pectoral region is sculpted in a semi-transparent rubber material, that you can make extend forward to help the Energy Shield shoot off his chest more easily. An unnecessary feature, Goku’s pectoral muscle action unintentionally makes the figure very hilarious. This is the first, and hopefully the last time we ever see a Goku figure with incredible man boob articulation!

PACKAGING: The packaging on this figure is highly disappointing and plain, which is extremely uncharacteristic of Bandai, who arguably has created some of the nicest toy packaging ever in the past. The package does succeed in the fact that it shows off the figure and accessories very well through the front window, but over all just looks somewhat lifeless.

SCULPTING: From the front, the sculpting on this figure is a bit unpleasant, but from the sides, it’s an amazing sculpt of a Freeza era Super Saiyan Goku! The somewhat unnecessary pectoral piece actually does help the figure look more like it’s anime and manga counterpart then most Super Saiyan Goku figures, because of how exaggerated and huge it makes Goku’s muscles look. Goku is huge in those episodes, and I’m almost positive that this figure was molded after pictures from that part of the series.

The head sculpt is also great; the face looks perfect, and I don’t say that lightly. This is a great Super Saiyan Goku head! The locks of hair hanging over his face is a great dramatic touch, and his eyes where given great attention despite the fact that one of them is hidden by his hair at some angles. I also really like the extra piece of hair that is attached so that Goku’s hair line flows more naturally with his neck - very smooth looking.

Although I’ve already mentioned that I’m not crazy about the separate pectoral piece, his whole upper body really is sculpted very well - this really looks like Super Saiyan Goku from the Dragonball anime. The pants are where some of the sculpting falls apart for me however - they are just to smooth and undetailed in the crotch, buttock and upper thigh regions, and really just don’t look like the pants that Goku wears in the show. However, I do see it was necessary to create the action of the leg so that the Energy Shields will fly off.

My only other problem with the sculpt is the screws holding him together, which are very visible on his back. It’s a shame that he couldn’t be held together some other way, considering how nice the sculpting truly is on the upper portion of his body. The holes in order to attach the shield are very noticeable, and somewhat distracting, but necessary for the Energy Shields to attach correctly.
PAINT: Not even one complaint as far as the paint applications go, can’t find one paint flub anywhere on him! Impressive for such a large figure.

ARTICULATION: Power Booster Super Saiyan Goku doesn’t have a lot of articulation, but what he does have works well, and is pretty much all he needs. His head can turn from side to side, his arms can spin all the way around, and one of his legs can be pushed up against his other leg to cause the Energy Shields to shoot out. His feet do not move, and his waist does not turn. I was impressed that his arms could move, since there are two large holes in each shoulder for the Shields.
As I mentioned before, you can also make his pectoral muscles move up and down… the strangest articulation I have yet to see on any action figure ever! Over all I think of this guy more as a display piece, and as a sculpture of Super Saiyan Goku he really is very good!

ACCESSORIES: Power Booster Super Saiyan Goku of course comes with his 3 Energy Shields. Over all the Energy Shields are very distracting from the rest of the figure, but one thing I can contest to is the fact that it does work very well! The 3 pieces click in very securely, and shoot off with a good amount of force. I think the figure suffered from having this be part of it, but at the very least it works well, and is robust enough to stand up to a lot of play.

COST AND OVERALL IMPRESSION: Most places are selling this guy for about $20 bucks, which in my opinion is a little steep. The Energy Shield gimmick is undoubtably one of those gimmicks that was bound to happen at some point, but I can’t help but feel like what may work well in the show, just doesn’t work so well here. I love the idea that they are trying to work with the idea of the energy waves and auras always present in the show - you rarely ever see any toy company do anything with that aspect of the show, besides make energy wave weapons… So this is a unique idea for a Dragonball figure, but ultimately one that looks a little silly and strange.
Also, the changes that had to be made in order to accommodate the Energy Shields are unfortunate, because surely that’s the only reason why detail was not put into his pants… and why his pectorals are able to raise up and down. Without the Energy Shield, the figure would also not have large holes at three spots in his body, which really hinder the sculpt. Had these elements not been included, I think this would have been an all time favorite Super Saiyan Goku figure for both myself and many others.
For even more images of Bandai’s Power Booster Super Saiyan Goku, CLICK HERE!
To watch the Power Booster Super Saiyan Goku in action, check out the videos below!
Review, Photos and Videos by Amanda Sukenick
Review Sample Courtesy of Bandai
Bookmark this entry | January 26, 2009 | Jeff Saylor
HUGE surprises from Bandai at the Dallas Toy Fair!
For a great selection of Dragon Ball action figures and collectibles, check out fine sponsors,,,, Alter Ego Comics,,,,, and

WOW! Look at all the amazing playsets and figures that Bandai has lined up for this year! Al these images were taken at the Dallas Toy Fair back in October of 2008, but we are only just seeing them now! Not only great Dragonball Z items, but a few Dragonball goodies mixed in as well! From what I can tell, these are all original sculpts, never before released anywhere else, except for one lot of figures which were originally released in Japan by Megahouse! American re-releases of Megahouse figures is great news for American fans, since they are highly sought after, and are some of the best quality Dragonball figures that you can get! Some other welcome sights are the Bulma figure, a great looking end of Dragonball/beginning of Z era Son Goku, and a currently unreleased figure in the new Deluxe series! This is all set to be one of the best years ever for American Dragonball toy fans!
Be sure to visit, The DBZ Battleground Blog for more images and info!
Bookmark this entry | January 25, 2009 | Amanda Sukenick
Becoming a Super Saiyan is only a chug away! NEW Super Saiyan Power Boost Drink!
For a great selection of Dragon Ball action figures and collectibles, check out fine sponsors,,,, Alter Ego Comics,,,,, and

Toy Wiz is now listing a Super Saiyan energy drink for sale on their site! Though the idea of what it might actually taste like is terrifying, this would certainly be a great gift for the completely obsessive Dragonball fan in your life! Now with my Dragonball gummy snacks from years ago, this energy drink, and my Dragonball blanket -I can literally eat, drink and sleep Dragonball….! Probably not a good thing!
Special thank to Phoenix on our FORUM for this breaking news!
Bookmark this entry | January 25, 2009 | Amanda Sukenick
Check your stores America! New Dragonball Bandai figures spotted everywhere!
For a great selection of Dragon Ball action figures and collectibles, check out fine sponsors,,,, Alter Ego Comics,,,,, and

Sightings and reports have been popping up everywhere! New Dragonball Bandai figures are out! Be sure to check your local toy stores, (Or perhaps our sponsors above?) for all this new stuff! The new series that have been spotted are the 6.5 Inch Deluxe Figures, Wave two of the Ultimate Collection series, and the new Quick Change series! If you happen to see anything else new making it’s first appearances in stores near you, be sure to give me a holler!
Special thanks to ToyWiz for some of the images, and to Super Buu from our FORUM for the image of the Quick Changers!
Bookmark this entry | January 24, 2009 | Amanda Sukenick
New Dragonball Z 'Q' figures from Bandai!
For a great selection of Dragon Ball action figures and collectibles, check out fine sponsors,,,, Alter Ego Comics,,,,, and

I unfortunately don’t know much about these yet, but they look kind of interesting! Would these count as super deformed figures? Or are they some new variety of mini figure? Regardless, it’s nice to see characters like Kami and the Androids represented! I’ll post more about these as soon as I hear anything new!
Bookmark this entry | January 24, 2009 | Amanda Sukenick
NEW Clear versions of the High Spec Coloring Figure series from Banpresto!
For a great selection of Dragon Ball action figures and collectibles, check out fine sponsors,,,, Alter Ego Comics,,,,, and

Clear versions of any non vinyl Banpresto series are very common, and now the HSCF series is the next in line for this type of treatment. From what I can tell, they look great, and the clear versions accentuate the best out of the phenomenal sculpts! The best part has got to be the new boxes though! The original HSCF’s had white boxes, (which also looked great) but these have wonderful, sleek black ones - a major plus for these interesting variants!
Bookmark this entry | January 24, 2009 | Amanda Sukenick Youtube Channel!
For a great selection of Dragon Ball action figures and collectibles, check out fine sponsors,,,, Alter Ego Comics,,,,, and

This has been up for about a week already, but it’s high time that it was officially announced! Please check out our new Youtube page, for tons of great Dragonball toy video reviews! So far there’s a bunch of reviews up for things in my personal collection, but we will also be featuring videos of several other collections in the future, as well as reviews of stuff provided to us strait from the good people at Bandai! Please subscribe, rate, friend and favorite! Also if your making your own Dragonball toy video reviews, be sure to let us know!
Bookmark this entry | January 24, 2009 | Amanda Sukenick
PSP Live Action Screen Shots
For a great selection of Dragon Ball action figures and collectibles, check out fine sponsors,,,,,, and
Bandai Namco Games and 20th Century Fox have officially announced the upcoming Dragonball: Evolution video game exclusively for the PSP. The game tie-in is set to release March 19th in Japan and sometime in April in North America. We’ve included a snippet of the press release and screenshots below.

Bookmark this entry | January 19, 2009 | Brian Langis
Live Action Movie Figures - Pre Order Now!
For a great selection of Dragon Ball action figures and collectibles, check out fine sponsors,,,,,, and is now accepting pre-orders on a new series of action figures from Bandai for Dragonball: Evolution. There’s a wide variety of toys to choose from, including 4-inch Goku, Yamcha, Roshi, Piccolo, Bulma, Goku with Fangs and Fulum, 6-inch Goku, Yamcha, and transforming RX Trike, 8-inch Yamcha’s Off Road Vehicle, a life-size replica of Goku’s extending Bo Staff, the Dragonball Alter, Goku’s Kamehameha Shooter, and Oozaru the Big Monkey, all of which are expected to release in March. Prices range from $9.99 to $49.99.
Bookmark this entry | January 19, 2009 | Brian Langis
BANDAI Dragonball Z Deformation Series 3!
For a great selection of Dragon Ball action figures and collectibles, check out fine sponsors,,,,,, and

This is such a great set of Super Deformed minis from Bandai! Quite possibly the very first Oozaru Gohan figure ever! Each figure in this series is based off of a Dragonball Z movie villain, and the sculpts looks fantastic. There’s been so many Super Deformed series lately, from so manyal companies… These for sure have to be some of the nicest though!
Bookmark this entry | January 12, 2009 | Amanda Sukenick
Dragonball Evolution Figures from Enterbay!
For a great selection of Dragon Ball action figures and collectibles, check out fine sponsors,,,, Alter Ego Comics,,,,, and

Enterbay, who arguably had released some of the most detailed and life like 1/6th scale figures ever, has officially announced on their Enterbay Blog that they will be making figures for the new live action Dragonball movie - Dragonball Evolution! No images, or roster yet for the toys, but judging from Enterbays past productions, it’s very likely that the sculpts will not disappoint fans who may be eager to get ahold of well made figures in honor of the new character designs in the film.
The incredible detail and quality of Enterbay figures usually comes at quite a cost - no official announcements yet on prices to the Dragonball figures, but expect to see numbers similar to what you would spend on the recent Medicom figures, if not more!
An extremely special thanks to blahzayblah on our FORUM for breaking this story to us!
Bookmark this entry | January 06, 2009 | Amanda Sukenick
Banpresto's NEW Dragonball releases for January!
For a great selection of Dragon Ball action figures and collectibles, check out fine sponsors,,,, Alter Ego Comics,,,,, and

Banpresto yet again has a wonderful new menu of Dragonball items for Japan this month, including several items from their Pansonworks series, and the first release of the amazing looking Dragon World figure series that everyone on ourFORUM has been very excited about! Some of the highlights are:
NEW 20cm Dragonball DX figures
Two NEW 18cm tall Bulma figures
And much more! To see the full selection of new items, please visit the official Banpresto website HERE
Bookmark this entry | January 05, 2009 | Amanda Sukenick
Bandai's Dragonball Z DB series 8 phone straps coming soon!
For a great selection of Dragon Ball action figures and collectibles, check out fine sponsors,,,, Alter Ego Comics,,,,, and

Pretty cool selection of new Dragonball phone strap figures coming to Japan soon, which will include new figures of Zarbon and Dadoria - two characters seldom immortalized in plastic! No images of color versions yet, but I expect them to start showing up soon. Special thanks to the Hobby Fighter blog for this update! Be sure to visit them, HERE
Bookmark this entry | January 05, 2009 | Amanda Sukenick
Bandai's new Dragonball Z Capsule dome Collection!
For a great selection of Dragon Ball action figures and collectibles, check out fine sponsors,,,, Alter Ego Comics,,,,, and

These are the first images to come to us of this new series! Not much yet is known about them, but it looks like the set will include 6 figures in all, and each will come affixed to a Dragonball, which can open up to reveal a backdrop for the figure! Looking forward to seeing some painted versions of these in the future - please keep in mind these figures will NOT be green when they are actually released! These are simply early prototype shots of the figures molded in green plastic.