Jakks Series 13 released!
What’s that? Series 13 ALREADY? Amazingly yes! Series 13 has been activated in GameStop’s computers, and some stores have already started receiving and selling them today for $7.99. We were all so used to Irwin constantly delaying their figures, it comes as quite the big surprise to see Dragonball figures hit the store shelves before their release dates! Once again major kudos to Jakks. So make sure to have your wallets ready and keep an eye out for Super Buu, Super Vegito, SS3 Gotenks, Battle Damaged Goku, and Pikkon at your local DBZ toy sellers!
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | July 25, 2003 |
New JAKKS Pacific Images & Information

We’ve got a literal ton of new JAKKS Pacific Dragonball and Dragonball Z images to make your day!
First, we’ve got a full image treatment for JAKKS’ Dragonball Z Movie Collection Series 4:
Also, we’ve got new JAKKS Dragonball Z promotional images, including:
- DBZ Movie Collection Series 5 Goku
- DBZ Movie Collection Series 5 Broly
- DBZ Movie Collection Series 5 Trunks
- DBZ Battle Warriors Gohan
- DBZ Battle Warriors Goku
- DBZ Battle Warriors Trunks
Finally, we’ve got images and assortment information for Dragonball Basic Series 1:
Comments (1) | Bookmark this entry | July 23, 2003 | Jess Horsley
Tenkaichi Budokai playset at TRU
The JAKKS Pacific Tenkaichi Budokai playset has been released, and has shown up in force at Toys R Us with a price tag of $19.99.
Comments (1) | Bookmark this entry | July 23, 2003 | Jess Horsley
Toynami I-Men DBZ Series 2 from SDCC!
Figures.com, in their coverage of the San Diego Comic Con, has posted images of the second set of Dragonball/Dragonball Z I-Men, which start on this page. Check them out, then check out the rest of the SDCC coverage from Figures.com!
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | July 20, 2003 | Jess Horsley
New Bandai Super-Articulated Figures - Packaging!
Here’s a first look at the packaging for the new Bandai super-articulated figures! The three figures make up the foreground shot, but you can make out the packaging for the Vegeta figure in the background.
From what I can make out on the packaging, it looks like this will indeed be named “Ultimate Figure Series”.
More photos of the figures can be seen here.
Also, in the coolest news this side of Cybertron, check out this page for a preview of the 20th Anniversary Optimus Prime, and Smokescreen from the new Transformers: Alternators series.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | July 17, 2003 | Jess Horsley
Variation in KB Toys’ Irwin figures
Variations in Irwin DBZ figures are kind of unseen until now, except for the extremely noticeable Majin Vegeta hair colors. Anyway, in the recent flood of figures to KB Toys, you will find tons and tons of Series 4 Piccolos, Vegetas, and Gokus, along with tons of SS Goten and SS Trunks 2 packs, and I think Daburas. There were also a ton of Series 2 Striking Z Fighters and Secret Saiyan Warriors. I only picked up a Goten and Trunks 2 pack and a Series 4 Goku.
When I was in the store, I noticed that the Piccolos, Vegetas, and Gokus all lacked the gloss of the original Series 4 figures. When I opened the package Goku was in, I discovered the plastic he is made of is much softer in texture (perhaps not in quality though), and his pupils were much larger than the old Series 4 glossy one (side-by-side comparison).
Which is better you ask? I prefer the original; I liked the glossy clothes because they looked very smooth. To sum it up, these are definitely a second release of series 4 figures, because there is no way there would be such a difference. In a way, it is a correction, because the Android 17 and 18 from Series 4 lacked the glossy look of those three. As for SS Goten and SS Trunks, no major difference, the pupils are a more lime green than my originals and the hair seems to have less red or orange in it. It’s undeterminable if it is a variation, or just a re-release of the figures because of a large popularity boost from the character Gotenks.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | July 15, 2003 |
Two new Japanese sets
Very early look at two new sets of Dragonball Z figures being made for the Japanese market in the early prototype stages. (A note on the following pics. They’re a very low quality, it’s likely these are sent to shops to give them some sort of idea what they’re ordering and don’t necessarily represent the finished products.)The first set is a diorama style set based on battle scenes and art. These will be out in September for 300yen each.
The second set is the “Mecha Colleciton” featuring different characters with a variety of Toriyama style vehicles. These are due out in late October, likely around 500yen each.
As always, thanks to Ray H. for the heads up.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | July 12, 2003 |
Free DBZ block figures from Action-HQ.com!
Action-HQ.com and Dragonballtoys.com are teaming up for a special promotion! Spend just $10 at Action-HQ, and get a set of Dragonball Z block figures FREE!
Just browse through the site, make your purchase of $10 or more, place this item in your cart, and use the promotional code “SAIYANRAGE” to get your free figures!
This offer expires July 31, so don’t wait!
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | July 03, 2003 | Jess Horsley
Toynami Dragonball Z I-Men – Images and Reviews

After a long series of delays, Toynami’s Dragonball Z I-Men have finally hit store shelves. If you like block figures, you’ll want to read the review and see the exclusive images of the set.