Strange cases at KB.....
The last of the Irwin Dragonball Z figures are being shipped in mixed cases to KB and possibly other toy stores.
I opened a case of Irwin DBZ figures today at KBtoys. The case consisted of 2 Piccolos (Android Saga), 3 Vegetas, 2 Daburas, 3 Gokus(Android saga), and 2 S.S. Trunks/Goten. Strange how the case mixed old and new figures. The cool part is, they’re on sale for $4.99 each! Happy hunting!
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | April 29, 2003 |
New Dragonball Z Promo at Hardee's and Carl's Jr!
From FUNimation’s Prime Anime report:
FUNimation is teaming up with Carl’s Jr.® and Hardee’s® to promote the upcoming release of Dragon Ball The Path to Power. This cool promotion will bring character premiums and a $5 coupon into each Cool Kids Combo. Dragon Ball The Path to Power is due out on DVD April 29, and the promotion will start at the beginning of May and will run through June.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | April 27, 2003 | Jess Horsley
Broly, The Legendary Super Saiyan

The Newest Dragonball Z movie feature — Broly, the Legendary Super Saiyan — is coming out on August 26,2003. The movie will be 62 minutes for the uncut and 60 minutes for the edited version.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | April 25, 2003 |
The following JAKKS Dragonball figures are in the latest issue of Diamond Previews:
Dragonball Serise 2 7 inch figures:
Tournment Goku, Mai, Lunch and Yamcha and Puar
Dragonball Z Two packs:
Goten and Trunks, Supreme Kai and Kabito and Goku and Vegeta
Dragonball Z light and sound figures:
Piccolo, Super Saiyan Vegito and Super Saiyan Vegeta
Dragonball Z Striking figures:
Captain Ginyu, Goku, Krillin and Recoome!
Dragonball Z series 13
Vegito, Gotenks, Mystic Gohan, Tien and Buu.
Well, Striking Z shows that people will be getting figures from the previous sagas!
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | April 24, 2003 |
More Super Battle Collection reissues!
It seems that there are five more Super Battle Collection reissues, based on store listings and some Yahoo! Japan auction:
Vol. 01 Son Gokou (ebay auction w/pic)
Vol. 02 Super Saiyan Son Gokou (ebay auction w/pic)
Vol. 17 Super Saiyan Son Gokou 3 (eBay auction w/pic)
Vol. 24 Super Saiyan Gotenks (ebay auction w/pic)
Vol. 37 Super Baby Ultimate Version
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | April 24, 2003 |
Super Battle Collection reissues - more figures, more images!
Once again, Easyshop88 has come through with new Bandai images, first. Check out the following high-res images of new Super Battle Collection reissues!
Bandai SBC Vol 36 Uub
Bandai Dragonball Vol 38 SS4 Goku
Bandai Dragonball Vol 40 Super Android 17
Bandai Dragonball Vol 41 SS4 Vegeta
Bandai Dragonball Vol 42 SS4 Gogeta
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | April 21, 2003 |
DBZ I-Men Delayed AGAIN!
I said I would keep you updated so here I am! Does anyone else remember when Toynami said back at the Toyfair in February that their I-Men would be released in March? I sure do. The question is if you believed them… The GameStop database now shows the I-Men being released May 17th. However until they actually are out, I advise you remain skeptical. Don’t fret though, I’ll be sure to keep you informed as always!
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | April 20, 2003 |
Jakks DBZ stuff in Previews....
The next Previews magazine will be featuring Dragonball solicitations from Jakks Pacific, including the 7” series. You can check out the text order form at the Diamond website. Hopefully, the magazine will have some nice new pics for us!!!
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | April 18, 2003 |
New Jakks Pacific Release Dates!
According to EB Games Computer Database Jakks has the release dates for the following:Shipping May 12, 2003:
- Dragon Ball Z Series 12
- Dragon Ball Z Engery Glow Series 4
- Dragon Ball Z Striking Z Fighters Series 4
Shipping July 14, 2003
- Dragon Ball Series 1 5” figures
- IF Labs Dragon Ball Z Movie Collection Series 5
(The figures in this Series are still unknown all that is known is that they will all be from Movie 8: The Legendary Super Saiyan)
Comments (2) | Bookmark this entry | April 18, 2003 |
New Bandai Reissues of SBC Vol. 38, 41, 42
Bandai seems to be reissuing SBC Vol. 38 (SS4 Goku), 41 (SS4 Vegeta) & 42 (SS4 Gogeta), in the same way that they reissued Vol. 00: new packaging, and a fresh new paint job. Check out the following eBay auctions:
SBC Vol. 38 SS Goku 4
SBC Vol. 41 SS Vegeta 4
SBC Vol. 42 SS Gogeta 4
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | April 17, 2003 |
Check out "what might have been" from Irwin Toy!
Before Irwin declared bankruptcy, they had an enormous showing at the 2002 Pre-Toy Fair in September. was there to take pictures; however, Irwin declared the photos off-limits at the time, and they were still off-limits at the time of the bankruptcy. It was decided that we would keep the photos under wraps until we found out what JAKKS Pacific had planned.
Now that Toy Fair has come and gone, we know that JAKKS is not currently pursuing the majority of these plans. This is not to say that they will never take up any of these ideas, but the concepts are currently in limbo.
First, read the rest of the story.
Then, check out the photo gallery.
Finally, join our continuing discussion.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | April 14, 2003 | Jess Horsley
DBZ and the NBA
For anyone who lives in the Orlando, Florida area—
This Wednesday, April 9th at 4:30 p.m., the DBZ CCG crew will be handing out autographs and instructions on the DBZ CCG. The DBZ Hummer and the Voices of Vegeta (Chris Sabat) and Majin Buu (Josh Martin) will be there! This is a FREE event for everyone.
The game starts at 7:00 p.m. against the Toronto Raptors.
During the game, FUNimation and VIZ will be handing out FREE t-shirts, DVDs, Shonen Jump etc.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | April 07, 2003 |
Editions Atlas figures
DeAgostini Dragonball GT figures are now being released in France on black bases, from Editions Atlas.
Check them out here.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | April 06, 2003 |
Dragonball - A Path To Power
The Dragonball Movie “A Path To Power” is being released by FUNimation on April 29th.
» Includes 2 Versions (English & Japanese)
» 82 Minute Length Feature
VHS – UNCUT – $19.95
VHS – EDITED – $14.95
DVD – UNCUT – $24.95
DVD – EDITED – $19.95
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | April 05, 2003 |
Fusion Fighters Dizks
In Australia, the third generation of Dragonball Z Dizks have been released. The new set features 60 differant dizks of characters from the fusion saga, up until Super Buu. The set is comprised of normal dizks as well as what is said to be rare holograms. The art of many of them is quite good, and holograms look great. You can see the whole set HERE.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | April 05, 2003 |
Italian Dragonball toys by Giochi Preziosi
Giochi Preziosi is creating an extensive line of Dragonball-related toys for Italian distribution. A few items from the line include an easy-bake oven toy that comes with 2 Dragonball figures, a DBZ chocolate maker, bendable figures and more!
Check out all of these items and more at the Giochi Preziosi website.
Comments (1) | Bookmark this entry | April 05, 2003 |
2nd Edition Manga
According to Shonen Jump, the second edition of Dragon Ball manga will be released on April 19th at the retail price of $7.95 by Viz Comics. The second edition covers are the newer ones drawn by Akira Toriyama (Red Cover).
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | April 04, 2003 |
New DBZ Candy Toys in Holland
BIP, a manufacturer of candy, toys and Candy novelties with offices in Holland, Hong Kong, China (factory) and Malaysia, has started making DBZ Candy toys. The following products are available for Dragonball Z:- Power Dips (lollipop with one sticker)
- Top Sticks (stick filled with candy with one DBZ head on top, which are SS Goku, Teen Gohan & Piccolo)
- Candy Sticks (stick filled with candy with one DBZ figure on top, which are SS Goku, Piccolo & Raditz)
The official BIP site can be found at!
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | April 04, 2003 |
New Bandai Gashapons!
Bandai has released a new series of full color Gashapon figures! This set, which I’ll refer to as the “Intense Fighting” set (shortening my bad translation of the Japanese title), includes DB Goku, DBZ Goku, SS Goku, SS Vegeta, Piccolo, and DB Bulma.
Check out images of the entire set!
Comments (1) | Bookmark this entry | April 03, 2003 | Jess Horsley
Dragonball, Dragonball z, Dragonball GT DVD Dates!
I was just informed of some Dragonball,Dragonball z,and Dragonball GT DVD dates and prices! Here they are:
DBGT - Baby - Creation - $24.95 - 06/03/2003
DBGT - Baby - Proliferation - $24.95 - 06/03/2003
DBGT - Baby - Ramifications - $24.95 - 07/15/2003
DBGT - Baby - Preparation - $24.95 - 07/15/2003
DBZ - Babidi Box Set - $57.95 - 06/17/2003
DBZ - Majin Buu Box Set BS - $87.95 - 07/29/2003
DBZ - The Legendary Super Saiyan (Movie 8) - $24.95 - 08/26/2003
Dragon Ball - Pt 2 King Piccolo Saga Set - $39.95 - 06/03/2003
Dragon Ball - Piccolo Jr. Pt 1 Saga Set - $39.95 - 07/15/2003
Dragon Ball - Piccolo Jr. Pt 2 Saga Set - $39.95 - 08/19/2003
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | April 02, 2003 |
Die Cast Vehicles Discounted
Series 2 of these little wonders are now being sold for $1.99 at KB Toys. If you are still looking for them or have just hesitated to buy them because of the price, go pick them up while you still can. The line up includes:
Bulma’s Anti-Gravity Car
King Cold’s Space Ship
Goku’s Family Car
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | April 02, 2003 |
Dragonball Z I-Men Delayed Again
According to the release dates found in GameStop’s database, the I-Men have yet again been delayed — now scheduled for an April 22nd release. However, judging by Toynami’s track record (albeit short), I would take this date with a grain of salt… I’ll make sure to keep you updated!
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | April 02, 2003 |
Got news? introduces a new feature - news submissions!
Do you have the inside scoop on a new Dragonball toy? Do you have exclusive knowledge of Dragonball toys in other countries? Do you have something that you think other Dragonball collectors would like to know?
If so, click on the “Submit News” link in the left menu, under Site Information. Create an account, and post away! Your posts will be put in a queue for an administrator to check over, and once they are approved, they will appear on the homepage, credited directly to YOU, complete with your e-mail address (should you desire).
If you’ve got a scoop, we want you posting to!