More Irwin alternative packaging shots
We’ve now got shots of the alternative packaging for all of Irwin’s Series 11 DBZ line. Check out Bulma, Evil Buu, Supreme Kai and Kibito, and SS Gohan.
These alternate packages are most likely going to be a very short release, take whatever conclusions from that as you may…
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | February 24, 2003 | Jess Horsley
New Irwin figure images
We’ve finally posted a figure treatment for Irwin Series 11 Supreme Kai and Kibito. That completes the Irwin 5.5-inch line!
Additionally, I’ve posted a few images of the new Irwin figure packaging, described in the last news post. You can see Series 11 Goku in new packaging, as well as Striking Z Fighters Series 3 SS3 Gotenks in new packaging.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | February 23, 2003 | Jess Horsley
Late Irwin figures available in new packaging
As we confirmed at the New York Toy Fair, Irwin had some remaining stock when it went bankrupt. JAKKS Pacific acquired all of this in their takeover of the Dragonball Z license, and is sending it to retailers complete with the Irwin logos, just to get it out of the warehouses.
Many of these items, such as the new figure vehicles, 5” figures (series 11), and Energy Glow figures are to be found in completely new packaging. Most of the sightings so far have taken place at Target stores, so consider yourself informed. For more details, check out this message board thread.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | February 20, 2003 | Jess Horsley
New York Toy Fair 2003 Coverage!

Monday, February 17, Noon
- In FUNimation related news, JAKKS Pacific has been awarded the master toy license for Yu Yu Hakusho. According to the press release, JAKKS will be making action figures, accessories and playsets for the line. They expect to have product in stores in time for the 2003 Christmas season.
Sunday, February 16, 3 PM
- I had a chance to meet with the represenatives from JAKKS and FUNimation, and was able to ask a few more questions, and get a few more answers.
Sunday, February 16, Noon
- The Toynami I-Men Series 2 information is up, check it out!
- We’ve added pictures of the Dragonball Z bobbleheads by Marz to our gallery, if you haven’t already seen them, head on over!
Saturday, February 15, Noon
- Toynami has a second batch of Dragonball Z I-Men in the oven! The new batch features mainly the children from Dragonball and Dragonball Z, and features a new I-Men body, the aptly-named “I-Boy”. No images were allowed, but check back soon for lineup and release information!
- Toynami’s first set of DBZ I-Men will be released next month.
Friday, February 14, Noon
- We’ve got images of all of JAKKS Pacific’s upcoming Dragonball bonanza! Click here for the gallery! (local mirror)
(All figures pictured are considered prototypes, and may change before they are released. - Q & A with JAKKS Pacific
Friday, February 14, 2 AM
- JAKKS Pacific has announced their Dragonball Z lineups for 2003! The list of upcoming releases is available here!
Check back soon for more updates!
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | February 14, 2003 | Jess Horsley
Dragonball Z at Burger King!
“Super Android 13” figures are waiting for you at Burger King! From now until March 9th, an action figure from the new Dragonball Z feature “Super Android 13” will be included in each Burger King Kids Meal.
The assortment contains Super Saiyan Goku, Vegeta, Super Android 13 and Trunks. Each figure comes with an action feature.
Also included in every kids meal is a coupon for $5 off select Dragonball Z products at Toys R Us stores.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | February 10, 2003 | Jess Horsley
IF Labs DBZ Series 3 in stores!
According to reports both on our discussion boards and in e-mails, IF Labs series 3 is hitting stores across the nation!
Series 3 includes Super Saiyan 3 Goku, Gotenks, Majin Buu, and Vegito.
Each figure comes with extra hands and accessories not pictured in the promotional photos.
We’ll have images of these figures soon, check back!
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | February 10, 2003 | Jess Horsley
Trunks' Hover Craft and Vegeta's Saiyan Capsule hitting stores
Despite the fact that Irwin has gone completely, their toys are still newly arriving on store shelves.
I’ve received multiple reports of sightings of both Trunks’ Hover Craft and Vegeta’s Saiyan Capsule appearing at Wal-Mart stores. Both vehicles are scaled for the 5-inch figure line, and each comes with electronic features and an exclusive figure.
Check back, we’ll have images of these vehicles soon!
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | February 07, 2003 | Jess Horsley
DBZ Movie "Super Android 13!" released

With Doctor Gero dead, just who is responsible for masterminding this new wave of Androids that are stronger, faster, and ten times more deadly than before? The mystery unravels itself as the Android Assault begins!”
“Super Android 13!” is available on both DVD and VHS.
Coming next week from FUNimation:
- Dragon Ball Z: Androids Box Set
- Lupin III - Dragon of Doom